Erin Hatfield : You did not give a location so I'm guessing here, but in a
Rocket Mass Heater (R.M.H.) Warmed, worker friendly world a semi perfect day would run something
like this-
There has to be a near continuous 6-8 hr period of close personal attention and Feeding of the days R.M.H. fire, this requires frequent feeding with very dry, small, finely split
wood, over the 1st 1 1/2 - 2 hrs, of operation. At that point, with a fire brick lined combustion chamber and the bricks glowing red or white hot, a fairly large piece of wood ( 8''
system, 3 - 4 pieces fill the
feed tube!) the chunk of wood seems to spontaneously burst into flame ! At this point the person in residence while also doing simple, and typical
daily chores will be in attendance for the following 1.5 to 2 hr planed feedings - this is usually judged by listening to the auditory clues ( how loud the rocket is !) and the 55 gal
drums Temperatures. From this point forward there can certainly be a carefully co-ordinated shared overlap or planned brief break from direct supervision of your Rocket
stove Mass Heater R.M.H.. The total planed coverage in time by the family unit to achieve 20 -25 hours of Thermal Mass Heat Storage is the same 6 hours to
8 hours of near continuous coverage.
After you have grasped this simple but strangely different fact, planing the days start time, and finish time and the amount of time that your Bench is covered with insulating
quilts, will be an almost auto magic reflex.
However, your plans must include the requicent daily 6 hrs - 8 hrs of close personal attention and feeding of your
Rocket Mass Heater, if you are willing to Always plan your life
around feeding your R.M.H. and it's
Dragon, you will be the beneficiary of the dragons gentle warming heat regardless of the season ! For a healthy, but home bound person, or
most persons invested in 'Homeschooling' this
should prove to be an Advantage, rather than any kind of a draw-back !
The point is make this decision 1st, before you decide to change the layout of your house ! Hope this helps, for the good of the craft ! (and the children / our future !

As always, your comments and questions are solicited and Welcome. Think like Fire, flow like gas, Don't be the Marshmallow ! Pyro - logically yours Big AL !