Hello Charli, I know where you're coming from with the jealousy-enducing tracts of land in foreign climes... I live on my folks' 18 acre hillside/smallholding but still find myself looking longingly at the climate and land prices abroad! I am saving madly with the intention of purchasing my own, hopefully flatter, land at some indeterminate point in the future.
We've been here just over two years and I'd say we've achieved quite a lot including 8 acres of newly planted woodland, 12 raised beds (with more to come), the beginnings of an orchard, chooks, a polytunnel, laid hedges, dry stone walls built, fences erected... Both my dad and I work full time though so progress is hindered somewhat. My dad is aiming for self-sufficiency in food and
firewood, and I'd like to explore the money making potential of the place while I'm still here - I work for a veg box scheme so
should have an outlet for the more typical varieties of fruit and veg assuming my boss doesn't consider it to be a conflict of interest. Next on the
cards is additional tree planting, and I'm just about to start designing a forest garden which will probably be planted around this time next year.
I continue to read profusely around the subjects of PC, forest
gardening, and
gardening in general. I'm also participating on a course entitled 'The Fruit Garden' through which I'm learning design skills and both theoretical and practical knowledge of forest gardening, pruning and grafting.
How long have you been interested in gardening and