hello! I have a very beginner, basic question(:
So we had this fairly large/medium turnip sitting in the frig for a long
enough time for it to a) sprout leaves on top(maybe an inch long? very tiny, bright green)... and b) grow a wee bit of mold. So I decided to put it in my current experimental
garden bed and see what happens. I know nothing about turnips and looked at it similar to a potato in that it would produce more turnips. 2 weeks after planting.. the leaves have grown quite well. Oh and the turnip was white-ish with a purple top!
I put some pictures to show you guys what the plant looks like, about 2 weeks later.
So I had a few questions
1)will planting the turnip itself produce a yield of more turnips? or will it just grow leaves, which I could harvest in a salad or something?
2)when I planted the turnip, I put the entire thing in the ground, with it's leaves above. I think a day or so later a squirrel or something dug right to the turnip, but didn't touch it, just left a hole in the soil. Immediately I wondered if this was feedback from nature telling me "the
root needs to be a little above ground!". Or maybe it was just a random animal looking for food. I thought this though because I happen upon a
video of someone growing these and when they were done, they were practically above the ground, visible and what not.
Overall this turnip was a fun
experience and it's great I was able to get some sort of yield out despite it being on the verge of rotting away in the frig.