While walking in my neighborhood, I found a shrub with clusters of white berries. After trying to identify it in some
books, I think it is creek dogwood, or cornus stolonifera. My books didn't mention anything about edibility, but a couple of websites said that the fruit was edible. Does anyone know anything more about this plant? Can anyone confirm that the plant is edible?
I missed the last meeting, but tried to find the Meadowbrook Edible Arboretum the next day, without any luck. I went to 32nd Ave NE & NE 105th Street in NE Seattle. I found a Meadowbrook community center with a small creek behind it and grassy areas. I also found a swampy park across from the community center. But no arboretum, at least not named as such. Where is this mysterious edible arboretum?! Are the plants labeled and is there a sign?