Seth, your post first struck me as amusing, because I have read some books of ripe old crap, and I have often thought about them being a waste of good 'ol timber.
I have the same issue, only thing is, there is an oldie worldy village not too far from me and it's support of
permaculture and eco friendly existance has supported old ways of doing things. There is more book selling goes on there than there are nerds at monsanto! So I am fortunate in that respect.
But onto your question of whether books are good for society is hard to
answer, in fact i don't know, because at one time we humans never wrote anything down, they had all the skills they needed to survive and thrive, and culture and knowledge was expressed in otherways, and I do believe some very wize men in the east never bothered to write anything at all if it is fact. So where did Jesus buddha and the 3 wize men gain all their knowledge? Well, they looked deeply into the order of the universe. We all have this ability. It's whether we all want to observe it and act on it.
Books can only do so much can't they?