posted 11 years ago
I was at the supermarket one day, looked down to find a whole frozen salmon for 10 bucks. The thing was a beauty. I had to have it.
The next store over was a big box hardware store. I found a benchtop band saw for $99 plus tax. Threw that in the back of the truck beside the salmon.
Got home, sliced the salmon into steaks before it thawed out, wrapped em up, tossed in the freezer. I cleaned up the band saw real good, put it back in the box, called a buddy of mine who did the maintenance at an apartment complex:
"Hey Bob, I got a band saw on sale at the hardware store. Want me to pick one up for you? Can't beat the price."
Dropped off his new saw half an hour later, got my money back.
Seed the Mind, Harvest Ideas.