I'm in Wheeling, WV. you can apply for a high tunnel from the department of conservation. Ours is being installed August 2. The grant paid for 7'000.00 of the 10'000.00 needed. That being said, I had added
irrigation, fans, vents etc., which pushes the price up there. Labor and delivery was the bulk of the fee out of my pocket. You can probably do it free and clear with the grant. Its 100 feet by 20 feet wide. there are smaller ones available. You cant have more than a 5% grade, so you might have to dig out an area. If you want to watch them install it come on up. I start our
gardening in February in the basement growing seeds.
People that visit us think this place is so "cool". Lol . We are on social security, every thing is close to the house because of age, etc. on Less than 1/4 Of the 13 we own.
We make maple syrup, have one big bee hive, many laying
chickens, turkeys in June , meat
chickens in August. Butcher in October and November. Preserving food as we go through out the seasons.
My point is,. You can do A Lot in a small space. There will be many learning curves, mistakes. Don't give up.
Join you
local West Virginia Extention office master gardener program. You'll have to disregard their desires for you to use chemicals on everything but you will learn a lot about vegetables and fruits.
Attend the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR in Seven Springs, Pa in September. $35 per ticket for the entire weekend . going from
class to class. I can't say
enough about the information and projects you will learn about. (We stay in Somerset, in cheaper Motels if money is a problem. ).