A three-day soil
workshop led by Dr. Elaine Ingham will be hosted by Greg and Jan Judy on their farm, June 5-7. The Judy farm is located in Rucker, Missouri, which is about 24 miles from Columbia, Missouri. Here is the text from their website:
"It will be a 3-day workshop held at Judy farms. The first 2 days, Elaine will cover all the steps in building healthy soil life on our farms. By focusing on introducing aerobic microbes and eliminating anaerobic microbes, we can dramatically improve our soils. The third day, Elaine will show attendees the proper method for building a
compost pile and preparing compost tea.
"Dr. Elaine Ingham is a world-renowned soil microbiologist who continues to study the microbial life of the soil, which in large part explains why organic “works.” Elaine founded Soil Foodweb, Inc. in 1996, helping farmers all over the world to grow more resilient crops by understanding and improving their soil life."
Here is a link to the website for Greg Judy's farm and events hosted there: