So first off I wanna say that if this isn't the correct use of the forum my apologies, this my first time posting to a forum (I'm pretty new to them in general as well).
Im gonna get right to the point then give some background.
At the Farm there is a cluster of 5 walnut tree's ranging from 3'-10'+ all growing in about a 1 foot square area. Now one of the bigger
trees has just started leaning/falling over and is touching the ground. My question is
should we dig them up and try to transplant them or pick one tree to keep and cut out the rest? This cluster is in the middle of two well developed walnuts that both produce are right around 200' apart.
So ^that^ is the meat of this situation.
It comes down to my complete and utter lack of knowledge on transplanting and general information on walnuts. I have read that its best to do it early spring or in the fall so the plan was to wait until fall this year to do the research and make the decision but with the one tree falling over I thought maybe now is the best time to do something. Ive done some basic internet research on the subject but haven't found anything about what to do when there is a cluster of trees growing. The Walnuts seem to like this area as there are two nice trees already growing and this cluster starting up. It is right next to the family's
chicken coop area so plenty of nitrogen, slightly hilly area, and we have started our vermiculture enterprise (very small) in this area as well. So I'm hoping the soil is or will be doing well soon.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.