I have a very small area (2 ft by 4 ft) where I have a PMJ rhondenron which I planted last spring on the northeast corner of my home. It is very well covered from wind and afternoon light but the soil is at an 8 for ph and as you know rhondendrons like it much more acidic. Iowa has lovely blue black earth, but my rhodendron has only 3 little shoots looking like they want to do anything. I would like to know how to acidify such a small area. I bought a large bag of spagnum peat moss and have heard everything from vinegar and orange juice to peat and pine needles. Since pine is pretty scarce in Iowa (though readily available in MN) and from what I have heard not as dependable, I am wondering if the peat moss is
enough and will work quickly enough for this season.
Thank you for all your help.