Meh. Most of what I was taught in biology was either wrong or so much of a 'half-truth' that it was as good as wrong.
The wikki lists a few references, at least one of which still seems to link to a downloadable pdf which might or might not be worth believing. I don't think the stomata being 'part of the epidermis' really contradicts anything either, at least not the way I view the epidermis. I see the epidermis as that particular layer of cells, and the stomata as holes in that layer. It gets a bit metaphysical trying to decide if the holes are part of the layer or not, but what it's trying to say is that stuff can pass either through the holes or through the layer of cells.
"Only gas exchanges are made through the leaves" is such a sweeping statement that it scarcely meets our publication standards, especially as that is exactly what we are trying to determine here.
Gardenweb has an interesting
thread on the subject
But if you really want to know something, the only way is to devise your own tests and try it yourself.