Completing my first
PDC I'm really thinking about non-profit and/or
intentional community.
I'm far from socialist, I'm actually a private person. I have an
ego, but I'm open to others. But when thinking of eco-village, what is it really like?
On one hand it's a hard concept, coming from nothing (poverty essentially) as a kid, working hard, buying that plot of
land I dreamed of (I dreamed of any land outside of a
city, quiet, with no ambulance or shooting lol), only to essentially "give it away" to the cause (which is everyone).
Does setting up an IC, village or non-profit mean the founder has no rights to it? I understand the decision making process is done as a community typically. How would I make sure my family maintains a roof over their head?
Who handles the ultimate finances such as taxes,
mortgage etc? I'm assuming everyone is entitled to community upkeep, maintenance, helping with training or whatever duties/fees are established, not for
profit but for benefit of community.
I'm just come to the realization that if ever I want to expand to what I truly want to accomplish (even if 10 years down the road), I can't do it all alone, doing as a community is the only way as I work full time, have kids to care for and income only stretches so far.