I've been searching for pictures of mature
apple trees and trying to work out what the best pruning form will be for the 2 that I've ordered for later planting this year. The cultivars are chivers delight and sunset both on mm.106 rootstock. I'm completely new to
apple trees and there is only so much you can understand from reading. I've seen a basic diagram of the different pruning forms but actual pictures would be great, more specifically pictures that show either half-standard trees or bush trees that are in a forest garden situation as mine will be. Chivers delight apparently is upright in growth and Sunset is supposed to be compact. I figured that information might be useful in deciding what form to initially prune for. I'd like to utilize the space beneath the
canopy as much as possible so a half standard sounds like a better idea plus I'm young, small and light
enough so ladders don't bother me. On the other hand, it seems like everyone goes for a bush form so I wonder if there are other benefits to that apart from the fruit being easier to reach? Like I said before I'm small so I'd need ladders for both forms.
Does anyone have any
experience with both forms? What are all the advantages of each?