I have about 5 acres that's mostly pasture and pretty much flat. The soil is heavy clay and, being in the Finger Lakes area, doesn't drain well after a storm or in the Spring. I'm planning on putting in more small hoop houses and high tunnels than what I currently have, which will only add to the problem. I've attached a photo of the property with contour lines marked at 1 foot intervals to show how little contour and drainage there is. To be honest, I'm not 100% convinced that the contour that Google Earth came up with is entirely accurate. I haven't yet checked with a transit, but I think there is actually less fall than what is represented. I'm looking for suggestions for how to improve drainage, as well as put in some kind of rainwater/runoff catchment and storage so that I have adequate
water for irrigation and livestock. Money, like with most start ups, is limited. If it weren't, I'd probably
sell the property and move somewhere more in the mountains.
The red line delineates the approximate property boundaries, and North is at the top of the photo. For some reason the red line didn't show up on the right hand side, but it
should be about even with the ends of the North and South boundary lines.