Rabbits? Quail? Goats? Meat birds? Layers? Or something else more exotic?
I am raising meat rabbits for a protein source and for the fertility/sustainability aspect they add to my urban farming efforts. I'd like to add a small flock of laying hens, but just don't have the space right now. Maybe later.
What are you raising? How successful have you been? Any trials and errors you've faced that could be considered Texas specific? What breed?
Heat has been an issue for my rabbits. This past year each rabbit was given a frozen two liter
water bottle around 1pm to help them through the day. Only because I have a small herd was this feasible. Of
course, with some
land I could build a better micro climate for their hutches, but being an urban dweller I am limited in that aspect.
I am hoping to start a discussion on what is possible in Texas as far as protein production. How we
feed our animals. How we over come Texas heat. The benefits, or drawbacks, to our mild winters. Etc...
My rabbits are fed approximately 1/3-1/2 of their diet from forage gathered in and around the garden area. I could go a little farther but litter size and kit growth are negatively impacted when more than 1/2 of the their feed is forage. Does (pregnant or lactating) and growing kits do their best with an 18% protein diet. Gathered forage typically runs around 10% protein. I have done some great reading about Sweet Potato vines and plan on using it more as a feed source next year. Sweet Potato vine is approximately 20-25% protein depending on the variety and soil condition!
Anyways, post away.