posted 14 years ago
Thanks for the info. The thing about growing tobacco is that growing til it fully matures to seed and then some (letting it grow full season) makes it way stronger. The tobacco for cigarettes in stores is grown and harvested when only in the leaf stage,no seeds yet have come on,to early for seeds,they harvest it and its low in nicotine and its high in acid-the way more mature plant,after it comes to seed has hardly any acid if any in it,its more alkaline. Harvesting after a full season when the seed pods have fully filled with seeds and they become laden with nicotine,its sticky,and leaves have age spots the size of silver dollars,is the best time to harvest it. Its very strong at this point. You might want to wear gloves to pick off the seed pods,as they are covered in high potency nicotine but its not got acid in it as does the store bought stuff. Mike