Good afternoon everyone.
In April I obtained 5 ewes with 2 lambs each and placed them into a strictly organic setting. These ewes had been in a fairly conventional ag setting, lots of
hay and medicated
The ten lambs have all done well, and six of them are now in a freezer or sold. the remaining four are all doing well.
They are on grass, moved weekly. They eat it down about 50% before we move them. They have never been on the same patch twice.
The consume a good deal of mineral block with selenium in the mix.
Sheep had been raised successfully on this
land a few years ago, and I am told that they never lost a lamb.
About 6 weeks after the ewes came, another ewe and a ram were added from a conventional organic system.
The new ewe lambed twins about a month and a half ago, but one lamb died one day one. The second lamb died a couple weeks ago.
Then we lost a ewe giving birth. Found her under a mesquite tree with a lamb half in, half out. That was tough, she was one of my favorites.
Then we had a new set of twins born. Both were a bit premature, but one looked good, and the little one was bottle fed. Both died within a few days.
Minnie (Yes I named one Minnie) gave birth to a lovely lamb about 2 weeks ago. He died last night.
Then we had one born on Tuesday morning, dead by Thursday.
I cannot tell you how I feel, short of shell shocked.
Please help me diagnose the problem. What could I be facing here?