I've found our
LGD's perplexing. Our great pyr has always been a quiet dog who will rip your head off. He almost killed my mother in law when she came inside the house without knocking. Ok, not really but he scared the heck out of all of us because he rushed her like an enraged bull. He's weird. He does bark at things but it is when he is not barking that we know something is terrible wrong. When he is silent and at attention someone or something is in great trouble. We had someone attempt to break in and I'm sure this dog scared the life out of them. Anyway, he is pretty good at guarding but has a taste for
chicken. Our akbash is the complete opposite. He's loud and he is TERRIBLE. Here is a picture of him Hugging the electrician we had come check out the barn. We weren't even home. He just loves everyone. The electrician said our pyr was giving him deaths glare but our akbash was all love.