Joe Portale says "I am a believer that God gave us everything we need and for most things we can get by naturally. However as a cancer survivor, I can say that there really is no easy way out from the Big C. Trust that the universe gave some folks the brains to figure out treatments and go with that. There are way too much hokum to trust your life on. Just ask Steve Jobs. He had a very curable form of pancreatic cancer and took the alternative route and he died."
You can trust the medical authorities and they will laugh all the way to the graveyard and their bank. The biggest hokum is that chemotherapy and radiation cure you. They kill you. I was talking about prevention, not curing. There is a lot of hokum put out by Big Pharma. 3% success rate for chemotherapy. It is actually difficult to find an alternative therapy that is close to being that ineffective and you can't find one that expensive. Steve Jobs refused help from the leading alternative therapies, was very secretive, and he died. I am sad that he was unwilling to use the effective alternative therapies, but it was his choice.
John S