RIR have been the best and most reliable layers for me. Decent sized and very hardy. They are the first to get scratching when they think there is a worm to be found. Once in a while they go broody but not reliably
enough to count on them maintaining flock numbers.
Buff Orpington are my second favorite. Not as large as the RIR but much more apt to go broody which is very helpful when you don't have time to mess with raising chicks. I had three hens that raised many chicks this past year. They know exactly what to do and they make great mothers even if they aren't hatching their own eggs.
That brings me to my third choice - Black Austrolorps. Good layers, hardy and broody from time to time. Not the best mothers but good in a pinch. They are the most likely to go out scratching in the snow and don't seem to mind the cold as much as some other birds.
The only one mentioned above that I have zero luck with was the Wyandotte. I bought 10 hens one spring and none of them even made it to the fall. It seemed to me that they utterly failed to forage at all and since I don't
feed extra during the summer months, they just didn't thrive. By fall it was clear that they were not the bird for my situation. That being said... I've seen them on a lot of people's favorites lists.
I've also had easter eggers, barred rocks and black giants. Not bad birds but not really anything special either.