I am a lone wolf, in the MO, AR, OK area - just hanging out, acting like I'm knowing what I'm doing...
I think I just retired early - if the social security system continues to function.
Otherwise, I a trucker between trucks.
I'm pretty well aware of current events.
I am also fairly ignorant of the many self-sufficient skills that are and will be needed.
Not completely, as I can hunt and skin game, as well as do some heavy work and other stuff.
Picking peas takes everything out of me, in about 10 minutes, though.
This is a little mantra that I use from time to time, for those not yet awake:
If you don't grow your own, you will starve to death.
If you don't heat with
wood, you will freeze to death.
If you don't have a horse, you will walk and do your own labor.
And, if you can't defend your stuff, you will likely lose it, and maybe also your life.
I've been aware of this site for a while.
Yesterday, I signed on for Paul Wheaton's offer for the
Rocket Mass Heater Plans.
Today, I registered here, largely because of that offer.
So, howdy do.