Absentee Landowner Perspective
I bought
land (240 acres Grafton NSW Australia) as a way of spreading my capital, because I like it and because I have
permaculture leanings. The land has good pasture for now, but twice the area of scrubby land could be brought into pasture using goats and hard work. I'm spending a on
water infrastructure to drought proof the property and vastly increase the carrying capacity, productivity and variability of what can be produced on the land. HOWEVER, normally I live in Thailand. I have business and am presently looking for the permanent impermanent soul who wants "free" land
My current pre-occupation is my
bucket list project of building a small house and some cabin accommodation for WOOFER types or other who would like to LAND on some LAND, feel the real Australia, Lend a hand and revive their souls.
Absentee Landowner wants RESPONSIBLE people first. (cant be guarranteed) People who will follow through with their plans and are sympathetic with general aims.
Absentee Landowner does needs security for what they already have. That means people who can show RESPECT for property and tools, machinery. Maintenance of fences etc
Absentee Landowner will probably pay for permanent improvements and reward farm development.
Absentee Landlord may have some requirements eg: The east
fence needs maintenance - a timeframe may be given to be sure the land user is being responsible.
Absentee Landlord wants to know what is happening on their property and may arrange some form of farm surveillance. Report on a regular basis is just polite, and an agent who is paid to check the property and report may be employed. Best thing is to share your plans / progress / and outcome with AL.
Absentee Landowner does not need money - you pay the rates / taxes and you keep the
profit of your own work. If the AL invests say stock, they share profit.
Don't get too fussed with permanence. Few people do the same thing all their lives, you will probably want to move on someday yourself. Most ALs will be happy to sign a rent agreement giving you a low to zero cost and some conditional duration of occupancy. Fail to abide by conditions and you would get evicted = eg dont bring drugs onto the property may be a reasonable condition.
Welcome the AL to return to the property. Provide some modest accommodation for AL to holiday or visit for a few months.
Hint: Be generous! Share a little of your bounty with AL or AL's mates.
Those a few idea, perhaps others will respond with what they consider a workeable arrangement.