Michael, describe you system a bit more. I.e. it appears to be close to a 6 inch system, and the 6x8 inch riser indicates that it is constructed of brick. If the performance hit has to do with the riser, it is usually because of lots of mass and little insulation, making it difficult to achieve temperatures high enough to burn the smoke. An indication of this will be lots of black deposits downstream from the riser. How much insulation do you have around and underneath the feed and burn tunnel?
What is your riser to barrel top clearance? Side clearance? It should not be less than 1.5 inches for a 6 inch system, from what I recall.
The other (and most common) performance trouble spot is the manifold area transitioning from the barrel into the horizontal ducting to the thermal mass bench. This is best made really large, several times system size, and smoothly tapering into the 6" bench ducting (assuming that's what you're using).
What is your chimney system like? A tall insulated vertical chimney is best, with the better part contained within the envelop of the building.
wood makes for hotter fires than unseasoned wood. My rule of thumb is one year drying time for softwood, 2+ years for hardwood.