One challenge I've been having regards raising meat in an urban setting in as "natural" a way as possible.
Ideally we would rotate pasture as Paul recommends for all animals, but we don't have
enough land for that...
The two primary variables seem to be housing and feeding.
So, options include
1) Animals live in runs/pens/cages and are bought store food/pellets (this is presumably the worst, but still preferable in my view to store bought)
2) Animals live in a bigger pen/run with ideally areas that could be sectioned off to provide some if not all fodder. I am thinking of a small run with
chickens that opens out into my sideyard, for example, where I do my composting.
3) People bring fodder to animals: Yard/Kitchen waste, refuse from schools/restaurants, weeds from the side of the road/empty lots
4) Employ technology like
chicken tractors, chicken tunnels, grazing frames (slightly above ground to protect grass/fodder from getting grazed too short) within a pen
My concerns are particularly with
Rabbits - get horribly sick when in contact with ground? I am planning on raising them in cages which seems sad/not preferred.
2) How to set up relationships to get food waste - has anyone done this successfully? Do you need a business card? How hard/easy is it? I'm a shy non-schmoozer for the most part...
Other thoughts? Any examples from people doing this successfully?
Guinea Pigs
All on my list of "possibles..."