Take a very time-consuming technology: cutting weeds with a scythe. An objector would say to this, "You must have a lot of leisure time to be able to train yourself in using a scythe. Why aren't you at work?"
The deep underlying assumption is this: true "work" is not an activity that benefits you directly, but is something you do in order to get yourself some money, which can then be used to buy things you need/want. The end goal of your spent time is acquisition.
But the fellow buying the scythe needs to have a completely different view of things: time is not money, because time is life itself; and labor is not a means to acquire money but is itself a way for you to live. Training yourself in an outdated technology can be both work and pleasure.
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Dan Boone wrote:However I am still not so sure about the scythe. That looks like serious labor.
Dan Boone wrote:I do not own a scythe, but the quoted comment resonates nonetheless. Because the deeper I get into growing stuff, the more I find myself struggling to categorize the physical labor involved. In one sense it's drudgery just as I've always hated, and I'd much rather be sitting here in front of my computer screen slinging airy pixels, as it has long been my pleasure and livelihood to do. But in another sense the labor is, if not precisely pleasurable, at least a part of activities that are ends in themselves.
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Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
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