It's been my
experience that there is no time when it's going to fail you. Comfrey is a durable plant. Last year I dug up a one year old root mass and literally chopped it up into a hundred pieces. With an old butcher knife and no concern for the size of the pieces of the cleanliness of cuts, I just whacked away at it. This was an experiment of sorts as you might have guessed. So I mixed all the little bits up in a
bucket of soil and then spread the mix on a bed I want to use for propagating comfrey. I threw a bucket of
compost on top of that and mulched it.
I think every piece (EVERY PIECE) sprouted a new plant. Within a few weeks each plant had a few good leaves on it and the bed filled out within a month.
I say chop it up... you're not gonna kill it. at least not all of it.