How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Carbon is the currency of life. Nature eats my "carbon footprint" for breakfast!
chad Christopher wrote:I absolutely love these forums for this reason. Bring a thermometer, make a small incision, in the muscle body, usually in the crease of the thigh. temperature should never be below 65, beware, a hot day can heat the meat. The body should be flexible, and learn how to identify specific organs. If the adrenal organs are ruptured, it is not a good idea to eat the animal, with mammals. I personally would never eat fowl, unless i witnessed the death. Check the skin and fur for signs of injury or infection. Specifically around the feet neck and anus. Never eat an animal that has experienced an anal prolapse.
Temperature is variable if it is cold. As long as it hasn't raised above 45 for two consecutive days, it should be safe.
Rose Pinder wrote:Burra, could you please post the links to the vids as ordinary URLs? I can't see the videos.
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Frank Lee wrote:Although I do eat roadkill (and out of dumpsters as well), I'm strongly suspicious of health advice given by someone who uses hand sanitizer.
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