Yes, it is a sad fact that people only react after it has become to late. In many areas there are now extinct species that people only decided to save after it was way past the time to have success in a recovery
Right now California is still struggling to save the Condor, a bird that was devastated by chemical use back in the 1950-60's period. When they finally decided to do something there were only 6 mating pairs left.
Now they have a new problem with saving the Condors, that is getting them to eat their natural diet, which included dead seals. The now living condors are remiss to eat the diet natural to them after decades of being bred in captivity then released to the wild.
The "new" Adult birds have no idea of what to eat, they have been conditioned by their "saviors" to eat an un-natural diet and so many of the released birds have starved to death.
The population of Condors is once again near extinction, and I foresee this magnificent bird going extinct in my life time, simply because people reacted far to late to have any real success at saving the species.
Humans have caused so many extinctions that it is unbelievable unless you accept the fact that humans are stupid about their role here on our earth mother.
No other creature has caused as much devastation to the planet that sustains them. Humans habitually destroy and call the destruction "progress", one day they will finish the job of destroying earth mother and they will cease to exist by their own hand.
I find it laughable that so many people tell me that all things are here for their use, forgetting that they are supposed to be the caretakers, not the destroyers of earth mother.
I think most people are insane, for only the insane would destroy that which sustains their life and their way of life.
When the cork trees are gone, the makers and drinkers of wine will lament, for they will no longer have the stoppers that allow that drink to live and nourish. It will be the end of some folks way of life, that has been around for centuries.