I have big plans for a future
project out in the country, but in the meantime I am trying to improve my
yard and make it as
sustainable as possible.
It's slow going.
The entire lot is about 50'x110' with the house in the middle of it all.
I live in an area with 335 days of sunshine; a transition area between desert and prairie.
Most of our moisture comes from winter snow (strangely we had very little this year - it's going to be dry) and May/June rains.
I need to get a couple rainbarrels to collect the
water that runs off our roof.
My front yard is mostly stone-covered. When we moved in (almost 6 years ago), it was all dirt - no weeds, and no life.
It was heavily sprayed with gick by the previous owner.
We have three raised beds (2'x6') in the front that I grow flowers in.
I will probably wait another few years before I try growing food in the front.
The weeds only started making a comeback a couple years ago.
I love the tulips coming up in the beds though. They have wonderful "faces".
Later I'll add wildflowers, poppies, marigolds, petunias, and I have lilies and peonies coming in too.
The side yard on the South side gets really warm and the heat is sort of trapped in there.
I want to take some temp measurements this year and compare it to other parts of the yard.
I plan on using this side for tomatoes and peppers in pots. If it gets too warm, I can move them somewhere else.
The side yard on the north side is part of the fenced area in the back. It is also rock. We have a few chairs and a picnic table there.
The backyard was nothing but grass when we moved in. The soil is heavy clay with little life and lots of garbage in it.
Since moving in, we've added three raised beds (4'x8') and a
compost bin.
I plan on mulching the entire grassy area around the beds this year.
I am considering planting a bunch of bulbs through the grass this fall to help with the compaction.
Maybe crocuses.
In a couple years I will move the raised beds in the back closer to the center of the yard and hopefully their current location and the mulched area will have better soil to plant a few fruit
trees and maybe a hedge.
I am mulching the end of the yard this year too (if I can get the mulch in time), and I am going to try and plant beans and cucumbers in the soil back there since they don't like to hang out with anything else in my raised beds.
I'm thinking I'll dig a decent hole for each plant and fill the hole with composted manure and potting soil before adding the seedling.
I mulched behind the
fence along the alley very very heavily with coco fibre.
Next year I plan to get raspberry canes to plant there.