I was hoping to put a greywater system in off my laundry and have it
water a butterfly garden near a patio. I've been doing lots of research and have read that they shouldn't be put near
I have a well, which currently needs to be relined and a new pump, so really right now it is a hole in the ground, but I do hope to get it working and use it one day, but only for irrigation. The well hole is about 15-20 feet from the area I was hoping to water with the greywater.
Is this a no-no? Does it matter if the well will only be used for irrigation? My soil has very high clay content, and drains slowly. I planned to have the greywater go into a mulched basin/spiral, and plant alongside the basin. I'll switch back to
city sewer when it rains, as the soil gets very saturated very quickly.
Based on the current water level of the well in the middle of summer, I would assume that the 15 gallons or so of water coming out of the washer would ever reach the well water, and it would get absorbed by plants before reaching the water table, but I have no idea.
If this isn't a good practice and my proposed greywater garden is to close to the well, how far away
should my watering area be? I'd love any input. I'm new to these concepts. Thanks!!! (if it matters, I'm in Northern California on a suburban half-acre lot)