I'm looking after a place that has 3 youngish olive
trees in half wine barrels. I'd like to grow some leafy edibles over the winter in the tubs, but am not familiar with olives at all. The olives have been fed
coffee grounds in the recent past (will that have made soil acidic? There were a few sheeps sorrel plants growing there). I'm planning on adding an inch or so of wormcastings/compost mix on top of existing soil and growing in that. Not sure what will happen with the pH in the tubs, or if I
should do anything about it.
The tubs are on the edge of a verandah so will get watered off the roof on one side when it rains (650ml/yr), giving a drier side of the tub and a wetter side. We have up to -10C frosts during winter (most less than that), very occasional snow. Other wise sunny, average day time temperatures 5C, but I expect this spot to be warmer than average.
I'm thinking things like miner's lettuce (which grows well here in winter in semi-sheltered spots), maybe silver beet.
I think the main issues are the pH, and how much
root room there is (the one I weeded already seem full of root in places, but free in others).
Any ideas on what would grow well in that situation?