Thank you Cloey for the Indianaberry PDF that was one I hadn't seen... and I've seen and read loads.
So yesterday we had a significant downpour in my area in excess of 1/2" so I went to the hole I dug and the sand was dry dry dry... the
water cruises through that sand fast.
today I laid out my locations for planting @ 16' o.c.. Then removed the lawn/weed from a 3' x 3' area in each spot I will plant. I mixed the clay/topsoil with the sand to a depth of 15". I then added about 2 cubic feet of my garden soil of compost/ perlite/
coffee rounds/ topsoil/ peat moss ( it has been left on a tarp with no growth of weed or grass over the last month) and mixed that in the top 6 - 8 inches. I will now cover it with black plastic for a week... just to help kill any seed in the ground and to let it settle. I watered it well and still looks like the water is racing to the bottom.
I mounded the soil so it is about a 4-6 in mound.
Next is to set the stake and build 3'x3' perimeter enclosure with 1/2 " hardware cloth and screen on top to keep the
deer. birds etc away
Next week I will plant.