I forgot to tell you, I did get up on the tractor over the weekend to see if I could drive it, but I had to have help getting onto the tractor and my leg was too short to push in the clutch, so I obviously can't drive it, so that is now out of the question.
I was talking with Ron, out by the swing, about how I was disappointed that I couldn't drive the tractor cause there was so much I would do if I could, and he said, what is the first thing you would do..and I said..well I'd love to move all the dirt that Joel dug out of the pond but first I would want to level (and I pointed to an area just in front of the swing by the pond where a lot of weeds were growing on an unlevel part of the bank) that area out.
A little later he walked around (saying he was looking for goldenrod galls for the cats to play with) and he came back driving the tractor. He had learned a lot on Sunday driving it helping Joel and I think he felt more confident on it, so he started trying to level out the bank, he had a few problems but he kept at it..for a few hours, even after dark where he had to turn the
lights on. I had to come inside and he stayed out there for a little while after I came in ..playing on the tractor...so I'm not sure what he did after I came in..but he was enjoying himself levelling the bank area..he tore up some areas that I'll have to use a rake to try to level out..but I told him not to worry about that, as that is what we have rakes for..but anyway, he was enjoying himself..He attempted to dig out some tree stumps, but they just have too good
roots for him to dig out, they need a chainsaw..mine is busted right now, a part missing so unless i can get the part i can't use mine, might be a ble to "make do" with something else as a temp part for it someday, i'll try to figure that out..would
be nice to have those stumps out of there, get the entire bank raked up nice and smooth and maybe pick up a bag of grass seed and get some grass sowed on that bank..cause that would give it fall and winter to get established..we do have a rainy period coming in, according to the weather forcast..but it is all iffy, isolated...scattered..forcasts like that.
he is sleeping sitting up on the family room sofa right now..not very comfortably I'm sure.
I admit i'm somewhat disappointed that I wasn't able to "drive" the tractor, I was pretty sure I'd be able to learn it but as you know sceptic as to whether it was a good idea to learn it or not as it would give them another excuse to put more jobs off on me, but actually kinda relieved. Once I learned to use the lawmower (zero turn rider) no one ever got on it again, figured that was my job..and before that i did 2 days of mowing wiht the walk behind, cause they figured I would do it so why would they bother getting their butts on the rider and helping..nope.let her do it she knows how.. I used to do all the snow removal with a snowblower until lit brooke and they were too lazy to put it in the truck and take it to the repair man for a $40 part fix..so they do the snow remofal with the tractor, but if i could drive the tractor that also would be my job..so maybe i am just a little bit relieved..but with my lack of patience i would like to get the jobs done around here that sit undone cause I can t do them, or i end up doing them with a shovel and wheelborrow or a pitchfork and wheelborrow