Hi, I noticed something in my garden this year and was wondering if anyone else noticed the same thing.
I have a 4ft x 12ft patch of June bearing strawberries in my south facing front
yard. I've had them for about 3 years, give or take. They have always stopped producing berries by early July. They did the same thing this year, except for one spot. I had a low growing thistle self plant near the middle of the bed. When I happened to walk past that spot in late September, I found fresh ripe strawberries under the thistle and about 6 inches from the edge of the thistle, and none anywhere else in my patch.
So, has anyone encountered or heard of this before? I'm not complaining, and I may purposefully plant a few thistle to see if it happens again.
In case anyone asks: zone 5, Northern Illinois, USA, Earth. I don't know the specific variety of strawberry nor thistle.