Leigh, thank you so much for sharing!
This was exceptionally helpful and really the only place I was able to find a resource for canning sunchokes without turning them into pickles.
Yay, Permies!!
I had sunchokes which were starting to go bad, I needed due process them quickly.
I peeled then cooked a pound for dinner (see my
bb post:
https://permies.com/wiki/10/105948/pep-food-prep-preservation/Cook-Serve-Sunchokes-AKA-Jerusalem#2832081 ) and ended up pressure canning the rest.
I followed the directions outlined above but got a tad impatient at the end. I moved the canner off the burner and onto a cooler spot on the cooktop and even took them out of the
water immediately after the pressure had reduced.
This failed to let the jars cool slowly
enough so I experienced an inordinate amount of siphoning.
Thankfully everything sealed but I wanted a truly shelf-stable product; after looking up other root vegetables, I found I could recan them after adding more water.
They were rather soft after the first round, so I’m afraid the only use for them will be soup now after a double canning.
Nonetheless, I have 5 quarts of preserved sunchokes, so I’m happy!