Hi, Rob---
When I collect rain water, what is a safe way of treating it without chemicals for consumption by pets and we humans ? Or is there?
In most of the world where the water source is rooftop rainwater people drink it directly, usually without incident. If you are in the US...somehow the psychology is different here, the environmental exposure is lower, constitutions weaker, people more ready to whine or sue...and I recommend against Americans drinking rainwater if there is other water available. (Illogical perhaps..but not irrational). Pets? go for it.
If it's the only water source, treat it with UV or ozone after settling and mechanical filtration, then
carbon and R/O for perfect taste...and it will be American ready! (In the San Juan Islands there are hundreds of permitted houses with bank financing with rainwater as their only source that use the system just described. I raised my eyebrows at the R/O...but Tim Pope, the voice of
experience on this, swears that's what makes it for the taste test).
For the greywater...I think you need a more lengthy orientation than I can provide here. Check these two common errors for starters:
Error: storage of greywater
Error: Treatment before irrigation
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