What they said.
To bring some order to the chaos of an off grid electrical system, here are a couple super handy guidelines to help you sort through the various issues and restrictions that come with an off grid pv set up.
Watts are watts. If you are getting confumbled by the various volts and amps and ac and dc, just convert to watts.
volts x amps = watts, easy
100 watts in dc are equivalent (for many purposes) to 100 watts of ac.
100 watts at 24 volts are equivalent (for many purposes) to 100 watts at 120 volts.
example, am I better off with (1) a 12 volt RV fan that uses 15 amps (in terms of total energy use) or (2) an AC 120 f an that uses 1.2 amps??
looks like an apples to oranges comparison right? But convert it all to watts and the mystery just evaporates:
1. 12 volts x 15 amps = 180 watts
2. 120 volts x 1.2 amps = 144 watts
AHA, the 120 volt appliance uses less electricity. Boom, end of mystery.
Sure you could go all fancy and consider that the 12V fan uses energy right from the battery and doesn't need an inverter, which has efficiency losses. Figure 15 or 20% total losses if you have to run the appliance off the inverter rather than straight from the battery. But still we have killed the mystery of the different voltages and amperages.
OK, second big rule that helps a lot:
watts are a rate. Like miles per hour.
watt-hours, that's an amount, like how far can you go on a gas tank.
example: 100 watts is what a
light bulb is using right now (a rate)
100 watt-hours is the total amount of energy (gas tank analogy) the light bulb uses in one hour (watts x hours)
So, in your stove question, if the stove needs 3 kilowatts (the amount it uses RIGHT NOW) your 2.4 kilowatt inverter just can't supply it that fast, even with everything else turned off. This is like the speed of the car. The inverter just can't go that fast.
If you run it for an hour, it needs (the rate) 3 kilowatts x (the time) 1 hour = 3 kilowatt-hours. That's the size "gas tank" your battery bank would have to be to supply that much, not forgetting that you can't or shouldn't draw it down past 70 or 80% depth of discharge. If you tell us the voltage and amp-hour rating of your battery pack, we could that simple calculation too.
Hope that helps!