When you say "commercial greenhouse", it sounds like you mean for hydroponic/container/flat production. That's typically what they are used for. If you're growing mostly food, unless it's all pepper or tomato, an amended soil floor is what I would use (though this is not without it's drawbacks). I'm assuming you're not going to be using injectors/dutch buckets, etc. A concrete slab for something that size is going to be really expensive, around here you'd be looking at over $12K.
Concrete is easy to clean, and has great thermal mass, but the price tag, ouch! Weed fabric with pea gravel is much cheaper, and you could built grow tables sized for whatever containers you're going to be running. If you get a better idea of the details of your production system, you can tailor the surface to meet the needs.
Without seeing the actual greenhouse, it's hard to say what skillsets you'll need, but most kits can be assembled by people with little construction background. If you plan on installing 3-phase electricity, I'd call an electrician, but I've done all my own 110v wiring, anybody can, just get one of those DIY
books from your local hardware store. Ditto for plumbing. I would second the advice about insurance, and maybe add a waiver for anyone that wishes to participate.