It's totally normal if you have a rooster that's frequently mounting the hen for her to begin losing feathers there. They get scraped off by the rooster while he's trying to situate himself on the hen for breeding.
Alternately, it could be that other hens are picking at her and pulling her feathers. It could be over food,
water, roosting space, overcrowding or any other stress that the birds are going through.
If it's from the rooster then she'll probably be ok as long as there are
enough hens to accommodate the number of roosters that require her attention. Generally I try to keep 12 hens per rooster and even still, some hens get pretty bare backs by mid summer.
If it is the other hens picking at her, then you need to figure out why and remedy that quick. Hens that start picking each other will eventually draw blood and once that happens they will literally pick her to death.
There's not much else to do except wait til she molts and grows new feathers. She doesn't look all that bad really.
If you can tell us more about the living conditions, location,
feed and flock numbers we might be able to narrow it down. From my perspective it looks like rooster burn though and if so, she'll likely be fine.