My ancestors were famous for their weaving, especially of baskets, and I've always wanted to give it a go. We planted willows principally as a pollard crop for that purpose, but the net result is that they have provided an excellent barrier for
deer and the neighbor's
cattle and horses. He doesn't believe in good fences, it seems, and this solution is working out well.
We planted the willows just a little closer than a cow or horse can easily get their bulk through. The deer are much narrower, but they don't like the fence and will walk all the way down it to the broken down barbed wire fence and then jump over. By that time they are no longer interested in our garden or orchard, being on our neighbor's place a quarter mile away.
I also took some of the pollard cuttings (our first) that didn't get used for craft purposes and just wove them into the poultry
yard fence, making sure that the cut end made it into the ground. Most of them have sprouted! I also noticed the the elm posts I cut to build the original fence with had also sprouted. I guess you can do this with other species than willows.