With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
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With forty shades of green, it's hard to be blue.
Garg 'nuair dhùisgear! Virtutis Gloria Merces
Mike Turner wrote:I've gotten fire ant colonies to relocate from inconvenient locations(planting beds or tree stumps) to a nearby desired location (unplanted area of soil) by repeatedly watering them (several times a day) while sinking a 1 foot long 1X6 board nearby in the soil where I want them to move (they like to build under boards or rocks that are partially buried in the soil). After they have moved under the board, I fill a 5 gallon bucket with a gallon of soapy water, remove the board and shovel the ant colony into the bucket. After giving an hour or so for the soap to kill the ants, dump the bucket of soapy water, dead ants, and soil back into the hole you dug the colony out of. The soapy water will soak into the soil and kill many of the ants that you didn't get dug out. I've used this method to remove numerous fire ant colonies that moved into my raised beds. They are especially attracted to cold frames and hoop houses, locations that are warmer and dryer than surrounding areas.
Karen Donnachaidh wrote:Posted 3 years ago by Tyler Ludens:
""An environmentally friendly cure for fire ants has been announced by
Walter Reeves on his Georgia Gardener radio program. Testimonials that
it REALLY WORKS are coming in.
Simply pour two cups of CLUB SODA (carbonated water) directly in the
center of a fire ant mound. The carbon dioxide in the water is heavier
than air and displaces the oxygen which suffocates the queen and the
other ants. The whole colony will be dead within about two days.
Besides eliminating the ants, club soda leaves no poisonous residue,
does not contaminate the ground water, and does not indiscriminately
kill other insects. It is not harmful to your pets, soaks into the
Each mound must be treated individually and a one liter bottle of club
soda will kill 2 to 3 mounds. Spread the word.""
This sounded good to me but was questioned by another poster as to whether this method not only depleted the oxygen supply for the fire ants but also for soil organisms.
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