Thank you for the chart.
I haven't finished reading that book, and can't formulate a good question yet. I feel like I need to rush because someone told me I need to rush to plant potatoes, for them to sprout in spring (I'm in California in the US). Also, I started the sheet mulched beds because I've been putting off starting a garden and thought I'd encourage myself by having to look at the beds each day. Seeing the beds makes me feel like I need to rush though.
In the mean time, do you think that if I plant potatoes and shallots, that deer will leave them alone? I haven't really started looking into what to do about deer.
Most of what I want to plant is food, but of
course I want to create plant guilds and encourage a balance between plants insects and animals etc.
I wish I could easily find for each plant, what insects and animals are associated with it and when to plant it, if it can be planted where I live (According to some chart (Sunset western garden) I'm actually in zone 14 not zone 8b.
Most of what I've read about companion planting does not explain why I should plant those plants next to each other, and often I find the plants are supposed to be planted at different times. Gaia's garden only gives a few examples, as far as I have seen skipping ahead.
Food I've been wanting to plant are: daikon, coriander, soy beans, spinach, potatoes, kales, lettuces, blue berries, parsley, thai holy basil (bai gaprow), cabbages and more. Deer would love them.
So, I'll read more, but advice is still appreciated.