I've never done any 'experiments' before- mostly because in the garden I only have 3 raised beds so I've never had the room. But I have 7 beds at the allotment, so rather than growing a single plant in each plot- I'll put together a little experiment, grow a few things in each little square bed (they're only about 2m square!), and see what gets the most slug damage
So the potatoes and the corn will have their own beds- as it is just easier. But for my experiment beds I'll put a courgette, a squash, some sunflowers, some peas and some amaranth in each one. Maybe a few onions.
- One I'll attempt to keep the soil clear
- One I shall mulch in compost (getting the compost to the allotment will be entertaining! but is probably doable for one bed, and I'll try to make some onsite for next year)
- One I'll mulch in straw/chicken-coop shavings (so sawdust, straw and shredded paper).
- One I shall sow a cover crop, probably white clover as it stays quite low (or marigolds- what a fab idea, it'd look brilliant! And I have lots of marigold seed!)
And I shall weigh everything I harvest and photograph slug-damage and growth and we'll see what happens!
I shall have to see how deep a mulch I can manage- part of my problem is I never have
enough organic matter- it's just too expensive and I struggle to find free-options.
I have a few more free beds- so am up for trying other ideas too! It won't be terribly scientific as there will only be a few plants of each- but I like the idea of attempting an experiment!