i just got 20 silver laced wyandotte chicks. I've also been raising tropical dubia roaches to
sell to reptile and spider owners for
feed. i have thousands of baby roaches that are about 1/4 in. i threw in about 20 in the chick brooder. man did they go nuts eating them! they loved it! today i threw in another 30. it was hilarious watching them fight over the roaches! its like candy to them. I've raised
chickens for 25 yrs. but never realized how important a food source insects are to them. maybe its the high protein that makes them so desirable? is there such a thing as too much insects for chicks? its saving me money on chick feed as the roaches fill them quickly and hold them for the rest of the day. these roaches are fed whole grains and fruit and veggie trimmings so they're very wholesome.