the california greys are smaller than the ISA browns, and lay smaller eggs that appear to be about the same size as supermarket eggs. their eggs are narrower than the big fat ISA brown eggs. the greys' combs fall over like a moppish teenage haircut, so that's kind of funny.
they don't seem to be broody in the least bit. i sure can't complain about their egg production though. one egg every day is a pretty good rate.
over the last couple of days, they've started challenging the bigger hens for the worms i've been throwing in the
chicken run, so maybe they're starting to feel more comfortable.
i've made some
heaters for them out of old ceramic pots and trouble
lights with a clip. i figure the
incandescent bulb plus the ceramic ought to hold the heat better than an infrared range heating bulb and an aluminum reflector and maybe use less electricity. hopefully, they'll be ok through the winter...
thanks for the input.