I have a tragic tale to tell!
Decades ago a friend of mine, (a student at the time), lived in a farm house which had
chickens and a rooster called Roger. Phil, (my friend), started crowing to Roger, who would fly to the top of a post and reply. The time I witnessed the routine was 10pm and pitch black. Phil stepped outside and started crowing. We could here a thump as Roger leapt off his perch then a rustle, rustle and flap, flap as he flew up onto his post from where he crowed back to Phil. The two of them crowed back and forth for a few minutes until Phil had had
enough. The tragedy was that Phil had to leave for the Summer holidays. Roger was ok for a few days but them took to a nest box and moped until he died!! I kid you not!! He couldn't face life without an opponent.
So...I guess the moral of the story is, that if you're going to start crowing to your resident rooster...don't stop!!