Wanted some input on this.
Housemates not happy with the mulch path.
Slight slope down to the sidewalk. Have to wheel the trash bins down it, cause, you know, industrial waste society.
Since mulching it's gone from hardpan and slightly eroding downslope to slightly soft and not visibly eroding, which I am thrilled about.
I had had an idea of stacking functions and having it also be more of a
swale, but that was before I a) really got it that a swale has to be on contour and b) really got that the slope is considerable (about 1/10 rise over run, I think that's called %10 grade?).
I thought making a bit of a boardwalk of
black locust from the bins down to the sidewalk, so rain can seep through the cracks but its' a bit more foot-traffic friendly and keeps some of the
water in the soil, provides shade, holds the soil from sliding down.
From what I've researched, there's no groundcover that doesn't really require maintenance, can deal with mezzo shade, can be trampled on pretty good, and also looks decent.
Cost--we'd like to keep it low, but since the housemates who are fussy about this have more money than I do at the moment maybe I can seduce them into chipping in for something fancier. IT would be cool to have it look nice and spiffy.