So I just put my mobile coop and electronet paddock shift system together a week or so ago, and so far it's been working fairly decent, but we need to run some more tape between some of the gaps - we opted for the tall stuff, which has large holes about 18" up, and one particular hen was not afraid of getting shocked to make the shuffle through that gap.
After repeatedly having her escape and putting her back, we found that she had escaped yet again and gone broody under a large pine tree along our driveway where she used to lay eggs back when she free ranged. She's been in that spot for about 4 days now, and I've been bringing her food and making sure she has
My question is, the rest of the flock is still within their enclosure, and this broody hen is all alone - does she need a rooster to help keep her safe? Or will he just harass her if I show him where she is?
We haven't had any issues with predators getting our
chickens yet, and she's pretty well hidden where she is, but there are certainly a variety of predators out here in Montana - thoughts?