posted 8 years ago
I'd say that as long as they are well fed and they have access to calcium in some form, it's all good. Hens will lay all sorts of different "eggs" throughout their life cycle. It's common for young hens to lay soft shell, no shell and misshapen eggs while they are first beginning to lay. It's also common among hens that are just beginning to lay again after molting to do the same thing. It's also the case that each hen has her own "signature" when it comes to their egg size, shape, color, density, texture and pattern. In a factory setting, chickens that lay weird eggs consistently will be culled even though there is nothing about the eggs that make them inedible.
For a long while I had a hen that laid huge eggs whose shells were super thick and had a spiral textured at one end. That was kinda cool looking but she sure did make a lot of noise laying those things.
Since I started raising chickens, I've come to realize that what you see on store shelves is just a fraction of the actual eggs that are laid. So many must be "rejected" for looks and shape alone just to maintain the consistent standards of the grocery stores.
I wouldn't worry about your hen unless she seems like she's in some sort of distress.