I have done a bit of
gardening, but I am going to attempt to push the limits to next year's growth.
My plan: To build a two piece (30' x 10' each) mobile green PVC hoop
greenhouse on SKIDS! therefor I can start early spinach, arug and salad production and move it onto summer squash and brassicas later on as it warms up outside.
The thing is I have not gotten the bed ready yet (major fo pa I know) We havnt managed to gather
enough leaves for 60' to kill off the grass yet.
So my question is first off, do any of you think it's possible to get old pasture grassland converted to production soil before march? ( I live in Washington fyi )
My plan was to remove the horse manure/hog fuel that is mounded on part of the space, send the
chickens in with their paddock, cover with MASS of leaves, compost/worm tea spray every week as weather warms up, send the
chickens back in, then cover with 60' of tarps in january or feb, so it will be dry enough to be worked, weeded, and de-grassed early. Definatly going to amend the production site with
compost and
chicken shit and lime.
Anyways do you think it'll work? I'm going to push my luck and knowledge, because I need to get a little income early next year to fund the rest of the year.
Thanks for your time,